A sincere thank you for your willingness to commit your exceptional experience to writing, or audio, and to share this unique and significant experience with the Transformative End-of-Life Experiences Research Foundation (TELERF). Your experience is of great value and your input is much appreciated.
TELERF affords all who are willing to participate in its research an environment of absolute understanding, support and validation. TELERF’s aim is to identify, describe, collate and analyse these experiences and, through so doing, reassure those who are nearing the end of their life, and those who are grieving, that death is perhaps not as it seems. TELERF seeks to bring comfort to family members, loved ones and friends through its research endeavours. The Foundation also hopes that its research will assist carers, hospice workers, medical professionals, family members and friends alike to become more open to, accepting of and comfortable with end-of-life experiences that are both exceptional and transpersonal in nature. The exploration of these psycho-spiritual experiences, and the recognition of the often powerful and positive impact these experiences have on those who experience them, raises important questions about the true nature of reality. Again, thank you for your willingness to participate in this.
In writing and sharing your experience, please be as detailed as possible in every way. Each piece of information is significant when putting the overall picture together. Take the time to remember the events – how your experience began, where it happened, and what the circumstances were. When you are ready, write down all that you can remember about your experience. Please elaborate on how this experience felt for you at the time and, as importantly, has felt for you since. I would also ask that you share any long-lasting thoughts, emotions, sensations, knowledge or effects that you feel are linked to this experience.
Always remember that your experience, and other experiences of this nature, are real and profound, and TELERF recognises the impact that they have on those who experience them. It is significant, however, that in certain situations these experiences can be proven to be accurate through information that has been gathered. For example, a woman who was experiencing a near-death experience overheard what her doctor was saying to her family. Both the doctor and her family were some distance away. This woman’s experience could be validated through what she had heard. Should your own experience contain elements that were, or could be, verified please elaborate on this.
Kindly share your experience by emailing TELERF on myexperience@telerf.com or using one of the options below.
Important information. If you would prefer your shared experience remain strictly private and confidential, that is between you and TELERF only, please make a note on your written experience, at the very beginning, that this information is to remain confidential. If you are comfortable with me publishing your experience in a book, on my blog, in a research paper or in my talks, anonymously, again please make this clear at the start of your written experience. Generally, with this permission, I will refer to your first name, location area and year of occurrence. You may, however, make specific requests in this regard.
In submitting your experience it is important that you are aware that you will be providing me with a no fee, royalty free license to publish your experience, subject to the anonymity conditions you may impose, and for such information to be incorporated into my works, covered and protected by my copyright. If that which you share with me is protected by prior copyright please let me know whose copyright to acknowledge. The confidentiality of your communications will be strictly maintained according to your indicated preference.