The Nothing to Fear®™ series is a series of short, easy-to-read and inspiring books exploring exceptional human experiences.
This book, Near-Death Experiences. Inspirational insights into why death is nothing to fear, looks into the exceptional experience known as the near-death experience. The insights of those who have come close to death, in their own words, suggest that that the end of one’s life is nothing to fear, and that there truly is something more. This enlightening and reassuring work describes and explores the near-death experience clearly and concisely in a deeply personal way. It highlights the events and emotions that are reported by those who have a near-death experience, as well as their most frequently shared insights and revelations. Their words are a reflections of a life beyond.
The book is currently available through this website at a cost of £8.99 (US$11.39, Euro 10.50) excluding postage/delivery or as a PDF, delivered online, at a cost of £1 (US$1.27, Euro 1.17). All proceeds support TELERF’s research work. To purchase either the hard copy of the book, or the PDF version, simply contact Elaine here Contact.